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An addiction and recovery treatment program specializing in medication-assisted treatment for opioid and narcotic addictions
Central Florida Treatment Centers has been serving the needs of those suffering from addiction to heroin and pain medicine since 1983. We understand opioid dependency and help each patient design a recovery plan to meet their needs. Utilizing methadone or suboxone to break the grip of withdrawal, our clinical staff works to help patients build upon their strengths, resulting in a healthy mental, physical, emotional and spiritual recovery. Life becomes livable again.

Dispensing Narcan to the Community!
Here at Central Florida Treatment Center your safety is our number one priority. We have...
Methadone truths and myths
January 29, 2021
Methadone Truths and Myths
If you search Methadone in any major search engine...
Why Relapse Isn’t the End to Recovery
As a drug addict committed to recovery, you may experience shame and disappointment if you...
Why Medication-Assisted Drug Treatment Works
Drug dependencies are surprisingly easy to develop but are extremely hard to overcome, and...
How Are Opioid Treatment Programs Combatting COVID-19?
Opioid treatment programs continue to respond to the evolving needs of our patients...
What Makes Central Florida Treatment Centers Different?
What sets Central Florida Treatment Centers apart from other outpatient programs engaged in...
What Causes Addiction
Addiction is a complicated chronic disorder that combines psychological and physiological...
Alternative Approaches To Augment Your Addiction Treatment And Recovery
Opiate addiction affects everyone- from loved ones and relatives to communities and...
Insurance Plans We Accept

CFSATC INC. will provide, at no cost to the Patient/Customer or Companion, appropriate auxiliary aids, including qualified/certified American Sign Language interpreters, to persons with disabilities and qualified foreign-language interpreters to persons with Limited English Proficiency where necessary to afford such persons an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from CFSATC Inc. programs and services. Auxiliary aids include, but are not limited to, Braille and taped materials, qualified interpreters, readers, assistive listening devices and systems, television decoders, visual fire alarms using strobe lights, captioned films and other assistive devices.