4 Signs Your Spouse Is Abusing Opioids

Recovering from an injury or suffering from chronic pain due to an underlying medical condition will require some pain relief. While many people choose to manage their pain through physical therapy and holistic practices, others will turn to prescription medications. Although shocking for some to learn, opioid pain relievers are the most common of all medications prescribed by doctors. Prescription painkillers are effective for man patients, but they can lead to dangerous addictions. Unfortunately, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported deaths from opioid poisonings have tripled within the last 20 years. If your spouse is currently taking opioids for pain relief and showing one or more of the following signs, they require help for their addiction.
Lack of Motivation
Before starting the painkillers, your spouse may have considered work a priority, getting up each morning to head out for the day. While taking the opioids, your spouse may have lost all motivation to work or complete normal daily tasks.
Addicts will also lose interest in the home and work life. They may stop caring for the house, lawn, pets, and children and call in sick to work. Your hard-working, motivated spouse may seem to shut down physically.
If your spouse is currently taking painkillers and missing work or school, forgetting important tasks, or neglecting themselves or your family, they may be abusing opioids.
Chronic Drowsiness/Fatigue
Everyone experiences sleepiness and fatigue during a day. However, if your spouse is constantly tired and drowsy while on prescription painkillers, they may be abusing the medications.
Pay attention to any patterns of drowsiness and fatigue during the day. Droopy eyes, slurring words, and nodding off during the middle of the day are common issues that occur during the peak effect of using opioid medications.
Your spouse may also close off emotionally while abusing prescription painkillers. These drugs induce feelings of loss that can cause your spouse to isolate themselves and display signs of depression.
Your spouse may spend time alone in the bedroom or the front of the television. They will decline invitations to social events, choosing to spend their time alone or with individuals who are also abusing drugs.
Opioid abusers also lose all interest in favorite activities, such as sports, gaming, and hobbies. A decreased libido is also common in drug addicts so that you may notice a change in your sex life.
This isolation will affect relationships between your spouse and family, friends and children. In many instances, the drug addiction will end relationships.
Changes In Appearance
If your loved one is addicted to painkillers, they may show physical signs, as well. One of the most common signs that your spouse is on drugs is a change in their pupils.
In bright light, the pupils will become smaller or constrict. In dark spaces, the pupils will become larger. This involuntary reaction occurs in an attempt to restore your vision when experiencing changes in light and color. If your spouse’s pupils are constricted even in dimly lit areas, they are most likely using opioid drugs.
Most drug addicts will stop eating, resulting in a dramatic weight loss that affects not only their appearance, but also their overall health and wellness. This unexplained weight loss is another sign that your spouse may have an addiction that requires treatment.
Lastly, addicts may forego simple grooming tasks. Your spouse may stop shaving or showering. You may notice they are wearing dirty clothes while having greasy hair and body odor.
Opioid addiction is a serious problem that requires immediate help. By understanding the signs of a potential addiction, you will know when it is time to seek help. For help restoring your spouse’s physical and emotional health, contact one of the Central Florida Treatment Centers today.